Continuing Mexica Traditions in
San Francisco’s Mission District

Danza Xitlalli is a cultural, spiritual, and ceremonial group committed to preserving the Indigenous traditions of Danza Mexica.

Danza Xitlalli's vision is to honor the Natural World and provide a space for the traditions and Indigenous wisdom to be passed on to future generations.

We are one of the oldest Danza Azteca Mexica Indigenous Ceremonial Dance groups north of the Mexican border founded by Maestra Macuilxóchitl and Maestro Francisco Camplis, under the guidance of El General Pedro Rodriguez under the banner of Mexico’s Mesa del Santo Niño de Atocha.

By offering traditional dance classes, hosting five annual community ceremonies, and organizing cultural workshops and presentations, we strive to keep our ancestral Indigenous knowledge alive.

Our mission is to strengthen, heal, and connect our youth and community, fostering spiritual growth, support, and a deep sense of belonging.

We are fiscally sponsored by BRAVA! Women for the Arts,
a non-profit 501 ©(3) organization.